WELSH Conservative MSs stood together today in our wellies, united in our opposition to UK Labour's vindictive #FamilyFarmTax: rightly recognising "#NoFarmersNoFood" means more than a simple slogan, it is the reality we face should their tax thrashing destructive dogma destroy invaluable industries producing homegrown Food & Drink. The future of our homegrown agricultural production depends on their steadfast stewardship of land given earlier in 2024, 5,500 wellies were laid representing forecasted losses from Wales's misnamed Sustainable Farming Scheme. Former President of the NFU Minette Batters, Baroness Batters has already accused Labour's Chancellor Rachel Reeves of "her level best to pull the rug from under our struggling farmers", I absolutely agree!
100% Agricultural Property Relief & Business Property Relief must be kept, without which we will see small businesses completely collapse meaning more food is imported. In combating climate change, locally-sourced produce benefits Britain whilst simultaneously supporting jobs within Wales. And though whilst we have excellent Protected Geographic Indicator goods like South Wales West's very own Gower Salt Marsh Lamb, Single Malt Welsh Whisky or our Welsh leeks showcasing world-renowned excellent quality foodstuffs, we must support family farmers who continue cultivating these prized products. I'd encourage everyone to try some of these great goods at some stage (if they have not already!)